KM: Sarawak kata ‘TIDAK’ kepada pelarian Rohingya.

KUCHING, 13 Sept -- Ketua Menteri Sarawak menolak spekulasi negeri itu akan menyediakan tempat tinggal sementara kepada pelarian Rohinya dari Myanmar.

“Kita tidak akan berbuat demikian,” kata Datuk Abang Johari Openg ketika ditanya sama ada kerajaan negeri akan membenarkan pelarian Rohingya masuk ke Sarawak.

“Saya pun tertanya siapa yang memulakannya (spekulasi). Kita tidak mahu terlibat dalam isu ini.”

Minggu lalu menteri pendidikan, sains, dan kajian teknologi Datuk Seri Micheal Manyin berkata beliau membantah sebarang cubaan membawa masuk masyarakat Rohingya terutamanya ke daerah Serian dan Bau.

Beliau menjawab tulisan di media sosial yang mendakwa sejumlah warga Rohingya akan ditempatkan di kawasannya di Serian.


    Allah s.w.t berfirman, maksudnya:Dan jika seseorang dari kaum musyrik meminta perlindungan kepadamu (untuk memahami Islam), maka berilah perlindungan kepadanya sehingga ia sempat mendengar keterangan-keterangan Allah (tentang hakikat Islam itu), kemudian hantarlah dia ke mana-mana tempat yang ia beroleh aman. Perintah yang tersebut ialah kerana mereka itu kaum yang tidak mengetahui (hakikat Islam).

(At-Taubah 9:6 ) 

PUTRAJAYA: Kabinet memberi jaminan bahawa pelarian Rohingya yang mendapatkan perlindungan di Malaysia tidak akan dihantar ke Bau dan Serian di Sarawak, kata Menteri Sumber Manusia Datuk Seri Richard Riot Jaem.

Riot dalam kenyataan berkata jaminan itu diberikan oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi dalam mesyuarat Kabinet pada Rabu.

Riot berkata isu pelarian Rohingya akan dihantar ke Sarawak adalah berita palsu dan meminta semua pihak agar tidak mempercayai berita seperti dilaporkan beberapa media tempatan sejak ia menjadi tular di media sosial.

Beliau turut menggesa mereka yang menerima berita sedemikian menerusi platform media sosial supaya membuat laporan dengan pihak berkuasa untuk tindakan seterusnya.

By Aldrin Nur - sempatkanlah mereka mendengar keterangan keterangan Allah dari kamu atau dari perbuatan kamu yang mengamal cara Islam lalu diikuti oleh mereka dan hantarlah ketempat yang ia beroleh aman.. 

Why want to help the Rohingyas !!! No manners!!!

WHY WANT PLEASE NATIONS( rohingya) there is no Manners?? Halau je them back Myanmar!!

Looking at the title above... is a question be answered that faith back fear Allah' s. w. t. ie business or issues arising brings us back worship only to it. May we blessed with the right path to solve this issue of the like a seemingly endless. INSYAALLAH.
The answer...

God' s. w. t said, meaning:
And if someone from idolaters ask protector( to understand Islam), then give protection to him until it could hear the explanations of God( about the fact of Islam), then send him to any place it shall have peace. Order was because they are the people who are not aware of( the fact Islam).( At- Taubah 9: 6)
It is found the answer?

We have shocked the presence of those who escape from their country to ask for help, we implement the order of God' s. w. t to provide protection. So we carry out commands that. But do we could give explanations of God to them in order to understand the fact Islam? Or do our own practice fully Islamic way in life and they asking for protection also the same practice? order the second we are less implemented. order the third... after human see manners their last arise WHY WANT PLEASE their race!! drive it JE them!! Here whether Islam?

God' s. w. t said means:
O mankind! We have been created you from men and women, and We have made you nations and tribes, so that ye may know contact( and mingle with one other). Indeed, the most honourable you with Allah is more people has At- Taqwa,( not more descent or race). Allah is Knower, acquainted with( will conditions and deeds).( Al- Hujuraat 49: 13)

As we know, it is a long time ethnic Rohingnya life in a full of violence, persecuted, fear in addition to trauma see family members killed even raped by the military regime Myanmar, indeed a second bad experience may not be able dive by Malaysians, Indonesia and also from the country other countries. So much so that they escape with the amount so many. God' s Word this in accordance with their condition which are:
God' s. w. t said, meaning Hast thou not know( O Muhammad) about people out( escape) from his hometown fearing death, while they are thousands of their number? Then He said to them," Die" then God turn them. Allah is always galore grace to humans( the whole), but most people do not be grateful.( Al- Baqarah 2: 243)
and the fight for Allah( defense of the truth His); and know that Allah is Hearing, the Knower.( Al- Baqarah 2: 244)
This is also a question to be answered.

This is a full life with a variety of tests and replied to a good or not. Every act/ oral one and sin, return the proportion also we receive and give rise to sin from others that is revenge. sins will give rise to sin other. And even if we do good towards the truth, sin can also arise, made of others that is jealous. Envy to something that there is in ourselves as well as available in our place. Indeed, as well... devil has long been planning to eliminate the truth of Islam.
  1. And the Chairman of NGOs Greetings Rohingya, Tengku Emma Zuraina Tengku Azmi said notwithstanding the condemnation of a bad attitude to the Rohingya in Malaysia, people need to look them as human beings." social problems we can face together. The problem, society like to blame on the shoulder NGOs. While this must be taken weight by the community." if they committed, report to the police. Do not throw charge in social media. Things will not be completed, and they will not know their situation," he said while looking it may be due to the least education received them. He said so on a press conference ago.


KENAPA NAK TOLONG BANGSA (ROHINGYA)TAK ADA ADAB?? Halau je mereka balik Myanmar!!!
Melihat tajuk diatas...merupakan satu persoalan yang perlu dijawab agar iman kembali bertaqwa kepada Allah s.w.t. yakni urusan mahupun isu yang timbul membawa kita kembali beribadah hanya kepadaNya.
Semoga kita dikurniakan jalan yang benar untuk menyelesaikan isu ini yang umpama tiada hentinya. INSYAALLAH.

          Allah s.w.t berfirman, maksudnya:
Dan jika seseorang dari kaum musyrik meminta perlindungan kepadamu (untuk memahami Islam), maka berilah perlindungan kepadanya sehingga ia sempat mendengar keterangan-keterangan Allah (tentang hakikat Islam itu), kemudian hantarlah dia ke mana-mana tempat yang ia beroleh aman. Perintah yang tersebut ialah kerana mereka itu kaum yang tidak mengetahui (hakikat Islam).
(At-Taubah 9:6 )

Sudah temui jawapannya?
Kita pernah digemparkan dengan kehadiran mereka yang melarikan diri dari negara mereka untuk meminta pertolongan, kita laksanakan perintah Allah s.w.t dengan memberi perlindungan. Maka kita laksanakan perintahNya itu. Namun adakah kita sempat memberi keterangan-keterangan Allah kepada mereka agar memahami hakikat Islam? Atau adakah kita sendiri mengamalkan sepenuhnya cara Islam dalam kehidupan lalu mereka yang meminta perlindungan turut sama mengamalkannya? PerintahNya yang kedua kita amat kurang laksanakan. PerintahNya yang ketiga... setelah manUSIA melihat adab mereka lalu timbul KENAPA NAK TOLONG BANGSA MEREKA!!! HALAU JE MEREKA!!! Begini kah Islam?

          Allah s.w.t berfirman maksudnya:
Wahai umat manusia! Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari lelaki dan perempuan, dan Kami telah menjadikan kamu berbagai bangsa dan bersuku puak, supaya kamu berkenal-kenalan (dan beramah mesra antara satu dengan yang lain). Sesungguhnya semulia-mulia kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang lebih taqwanya di antara kamu, (bukan yang lebih keturunan atau bangsanya). Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Mendalam PengetahuanNya (akan keadaan dan amalan kamu).
(Al-Hujuraat 49:13 )
Sepertimana yang kita ketahui, sudah sekian lama etnik Rohingnya hidup dalam persekitaran yang penuh dengan keganasan, dianiaya, ketakutan di samping trauma melihat ahli keluarga dibunuh malah dirogol oleh rejim tentera Myanmar, sesungguhnya satu detik pengalaman buruk yang mungkin tidak dapat diselami oleh rakyat Malaysia, Indonesia dan juga dari negara negara lain. Sehinggakan mereka melarikan diri dengan jumlah yang begitu ramai. Firman Allah ini bersesuaian dengan keadaan mereka iaitu:
Allah s.w.t berfirman, maksudnya
Tidakkah engkau ketahui (wahai Muhammad) tentang orang-orang yang keluar (melarikan diri) dari kampung halamannya kerana takutkan mati, sedang mereka beribu-ribu ramainya? Maka Allah berfirman kepada mereka:" Matilah kamu " kemudian Allah menghidupkan mereka. Sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa melimpah-limpah kurniaNya kepada manusia (seluruhnya), tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak bersyukur.
(Al-Baqarah 2:243 )
Dan berperanglah kamu pada jalan Allah (kerana mempertahankan kebenaran agamaNya); dan ketahuilah, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mendengar, lagi Maha Mengetahui.
(Al-Baqarah 2:244 )
Ini juga satu persoalan yang perlu dijawab.
Beginilah kehidupan yang penuh dengan pelbagai ujian dan menerima balasan yang baik atau tidak.Setiap perbuatan/lisan yang salah dan berdosa, balasannya itu setimpal juga kita terima dan menimbulkan dosa daripada orang lain yakni DENDAM. Dosa yang dilakukan akan menimbulkan dosa lain. Dan walaupun kita berbuat kebaikan kearah kebenaran, dosa juga boleh timbul, diperbuat dari orang lain yakni DENGKI.
Dengki terhadap sesuatu yang ada dalam diri kita mahupun yang ada didalam tempat kita. Dan sesungguhnya juga... iblis sudah lama merancang untuk melenyapkan kebenaran Islam.

Dan Pengerusi NGO Salam Rohingya, Tengku Emma Zuraina Tengku Azmi berkata walau apapun kecaman sikap buruk terhadap Rohingya di Malaysia, rakyat perlu memandang mereka sebagai manusia.
"Masalah sosial kita boleh hadapi bersama. Masalahnya sekarang, masyarakat suka meletakkan kesalahan di atas bahu NGO. Sedangkan perkara ini mesti diambil berat oleh masyarakat.
"Sekiranya mereka melakukan kesalahan, laporkan kepada polis. Jangan lemparkan tuduhan di media sosial. Benda tidak akan selesai, dan mereka tidak akan tahu situasi mereka," katanya sambil berpandangan ia mungkin berpunca daripada kurangnya pendidikan yang diterima mereka.
Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang media yang lalu.

Malaysia - World Body Urged Intervention Stop violence Ethnic Rohingya.

Translation Malay: CLICK HERE

     In the past, ponder first sentence under the God' s. w. t said means
Fight them up to persecution is no more, and( up) faith in the simply because of God. Then if they stop then there will be no hostility but on the wicked people.

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Najib Razak said Malaysia repeat calls Secretary- General of the United Nations( UN) Antonio Guterres so that the security forces Myanmar find a holistic approach in crisis in the state of Rakhine." We urge all calm and patient. The situation terrible plagues our brother of the Rohingya should be mitigated the best interests of Myanmar and the region," he said through Twitter account.

We echo the@ UN' s Sec Gen' s call for Myanmar' s security forces to seek a holistic approaches towards addressing the crisis in Rakhine state 9: 16 AM Sep 3, 2017 Mohd Najib@ NajibRazak

We urge for calm and restraint. The dire situation facing our Rohingya brothers and sisters must be alleviated for good of Myanmar& region twitter. com/ NajibRazak/ sta… 9: 18 AM Sep 3, 2017 68 300 440 Mohd Najib@ NajibRazak

In the previous Friday, news agency China, Xinhua reported that the UN secretary general expressed his deep concern in respect of action tyranny in operation by the security forces Myanmar in the state of Rakhine and urge to calm and patient to avoid occurrence of humanitarian catastrophe. The report to mention the Myanmar violence following the attack on the security forces Myanmar last week by the Rohingya, a minority ethnic Muslim living in the east coast of the Buddha.

ALOR SETAR: Consultative Council of Islamic Organizations of Malaysia( MAPIM) urge the world put pressure on the Myanmar Government to stop killing of Rohingya Muslims in the country. Vice President Ahmad Tarmizi Solomon said it is time ASEAN and the United Nations( UN) and Cooperation Organization Islam( OIC) act to protect the population now be likened to such as'telur at the end of tanduk' a result of the endless oppression. He said based on the report received people in the Region Maungdaw, Buthidaung and Rathedaung estimated to 500 population including baby, children, women and older people killed, while home as well as their animals burned and driven." in the two days, the tens of home in more than 25 village has been burned, while tens of thousands of population fled in the borders of Myanmar and Bangladesh to find the protection without food. You can imagine them in the hunger and many children infected with infectious diseases," he said on a press conference here today. Also present Chairman of the Association of Rohingya Malaysia Kedah Yusuf Ali and Chief Anti Trafficking in Penang Zahid nature. Ahmad Tarmizi said if the world body continue to silence within 24 hours, most likely Rohingya on earth Arakan will disappear from the world as criminal injustice done the Myanmar military and militant Rakhine taking place.

" There is no way other than we insist on ASEAN member countries to respond immediately whether the act to stop violence or let only they killed, if that is the case, we can assume the ASEAN- defunct to protect people member countries," he said. He also urged the UN peacekeeping missions immediately send peacekeepers to the territories of turbulent to protect the community Rohingya which is now denied their citizenship. Ahmad Tarmizi said so far estimated to 100, 000 population Rohingya killed since the crisis had been going 1978. Meanwhile, Joseph said his behalf has a video and picture as evidence to criminal humanitarian and ready to work with ASEAN or the United Nations to prove wrong and cruelty Myanmar government to ethnic concerned." Myanmar Government wise cheat the United Nations when Trip held in the country by transferring the population real Rohingya to the forest area, golf and by the sea and put their Hindu and the Buddha in the village... This reaction that there is no wrong place and they will continue to slaughter residents," he said.

And From the point of understanding of Islam, for us to reflect on.. God' s. w. t ordained in Surat At- Taubah verse 6:
وَ إِنْ أَحَدٌ مِنَ الْمُشْرِكينَ اسْتَجارَكَ فَأَجِرْهُ حَتَّى يَسْمَعَ كَلامَ اللَّهِ ثُمَّ أَبْلِغْهُ مَأْمَنَهُ ذلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ قَوْمٌ لا يَعْلَمُون
َ And if a between the pagans the request protector, then protect it so that it could hear God' s word, then send it to a safe place for him. Similarly, is due to their people who do not know.
So, with this we as Muslims as well as from other religions, is mandatory for us to provide protection and protect and advise them with the true teaching in order to both parties can change and remove the wrong. To change both parties is dependent from the their own.
God' s. w. t said means Allah does not change what is in a people until they change what is in themselves. And when God require to harm to a people disaster( due to the error their own), then nobody can reject or resist what laid, and none can help and protect them, besides.( Ar Ra'd 13: 11)
May there is ray for citizens of Rohingya and good road for both parties.

♡ If you only solve the matter of this world, would have problems that there is seemingly endless unless you solve the problem Last available in it so that relationship silahturahim in each dealing only in God alone. ♡

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